![]() |
T |
tabloid style |
tactfully blunt Yorksite |
take-out restaurant |
taking moderation to extreme |
talk show Focusing on Words |
talk show moderator |
tame cat |
taped live #20 on Top 50 |
tax credit Steve Kangas |
tax relief |
tax return |
tax-free Focusing on Words |
teacher union Focusing on Words |
team boss Best List |
team solitaire Oxymoron of the Day |
Tears of a Clown Song by Smokey & the Miracles |
tears of joy |
technical support Death Angels Nest |
teenage logic Best List |
television personality Shooter |
temporary tax |
temporary tax increase #16 on Top 50 |
tense calm |
tentative conclusion Focusing on Words |
tentative deadline Opus |
terminal initiation |
terribly enjoyable |
terribly funny |
terribly nice |
terribly pleased #13 on Top 50 |
Texas chic Focusing on Words |
Thank God I'm an atheist. |
thick film |
Third Twin CBS-TV movie, 11/9/97 Oxymoron of the Day |
This page intentionally left blank |
three originals Focusing on Words |
thunderous silence |
Thursday edition of Monday Night Football Ian |
tidy mess Rosenberger |
Tiger Woods Irons |
tight slacks #10 on Top 50 |
timely and economical revisions |
timeshare investment Best List |
toll free |
tom girl Oxymoron Central |
tomorrow today Focusing on Words |
tone color |
top floor |
Total Quality Management (TQM) |
totally partial |
touch of diahrea Canonical |
tough love |
traditionally radical Focusing on Words |
traffic flow |
tragic comedy |
train schedule |
trained cat |
transparent mask Oxymoron of the Day |
traumatic bonding Focusing on Words |
tremendously small |
trial seperation |
triumph without victory Headline in U.S. News & World Report, 1992 Focusing on Words |
tropical depression Canonical |
trouble in paradise |
troubled paradise |
true faith Cobalt Shiva |
true fallacy from a beginner's textbook on logic Oxymoron of the Day |
true gossip |
true illusion Women's makeup products from Maybelline |
True Lies Movie title |
true replica |
true story |
truly false Memoware |
trust fund Shooter |
truth in advertising |
truth in lending Best List |
truthful tabloids #9 on Son of 50 |
turbo diesel |
turkey ham |
turned up missing |
typically unique Rosenberger |
T |
ugly model Oxymoron Central |
UN designated safe haven Focusing on Words |
unacceptable solution |
unbaised research Comedy Network |
unbiased journalism |
unbiased news report |
unbiased opinion |
unbiased poll |
unbiased predisposition |
unbiased reporting Opus |
uncommitted voter Unbiased |
uncommonly common Focusing on Words |
uncommonly normal Best List |
uncommonly typical New Paradigm |
uncomplicated heart attack Frank Sinatra's doctor Oxymoron of the Day |
unconditional love Shooter |
uncontested divorce |
uncrowned king |
understanding banker |
understanding editors Focusing on Words |
Understanding UNIX book title |
unfortunate privilege Michael John Nesbitt |
unhappily married |
uninvited guest |
union craftsman Canonical |
union workers |
unique standard Rosenberger |
Unitarian Church |
United Nations |
United States |
university funding Focusing on Words |
University of Nevada at Las Vegas |
Unix performance |
Unix prompt |
Unix security |
unknown identity |
unlimited boundaries Gerry Reid |
unofficial record |
unofficially approved Rosenberger |
unsalted saltines |
unspoken suggestion Focusing on Words |
unsung hero |
unthaw |
unusual routine |
unwilling accomplice Rosenberger |
unwitting accomplice Rosenberger |
up to 50% and more Canonical |
upper low Best List |
upside down |
urban planning |
user-friendly |
Utah Jazz NBA |
V |
vacant dwelling |
vacant lot |
vacation Bible school |
vacuum filled |
vaguely aware |
valid superstition Ian |
vanilla fudge |
vast treasury of pure junk Oxymoron of the Day |
vegetable beef soup |
vegetarian hamburger |
vegetarian meatballs |
vegetarian pizza Cave |
vegetarian worchestershire sauce Cave |
Ventura Freeway |
very unique |
victimless crime |
vigorously ignoring Clinton about the '96 Republican Convention Focusing on Words |
violent agreement |
virgin acrylic |
virgin birth |
virgin mother Rosenberger |
virgin wool Focusing on Words |
virtual reality |
virtually scratch resistant Best List |
voice mail |
Voluntary compliance |
voluntary taxes |
volunteer work Gerry Reid |
voting power |
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