![]() |
Q |
qualified success |
quality assurance |
quality service |
Quebec Intellectual |
quick fix |
quick reboot |
QuickBASIC |
quiet rage Opus |
Quiet Riot |
quiet storm Michael John Nesbitt |
quite a few |
R |
R & D |
radical center the political stance of Bill Clinton & Tony Blair, according to Tony Blair Focusing on Words |
radical chic radical conservative Rosenberger |
Radio Pictures a.k.a. RKO Studios |
random logic |
random order |
random thought patterns |
randomly organized |
rap artist |
rap music #5 on Top 50 |
rap singer |
rap song Shooter |
rapid transit |
rare steak |
rarely done |
rational integer Dr. Kaltofen |
read-only memory |
ready-to-eat frozen dinner Unbiased |
Reagan Democrat |
Reagan memoirs #8 on Son of 50 |
real fantasy |
real imitation mayonnaise |
real magic Focusing on Words |
real margarine Opus |
real nightmare Mary Van Sell |
real numbers |
real phony |
real plastic snow |
real polyester Focusing on Words |
real potential |
realistic schedule |
really fake Shooter |
realtime computing |
reasonable attorney fees Best List |
reasonable degree of certainty Generation Terrorists |
reasonable demands |
reasonable female |
Rebel Without a Cause Movie title Focusing on Words |
recent history |
recently new |
recessionary inflation Rosenberger |
Recipient of New Hand Wants to Be a Footnote Dayton, Ohio, Daily News headline Oxymoron of the Day |
reckless caution |
record low high Cobalt Shiva |
recorded live #22 on Son of 50 |
recorder music Canonical |
re-create Focusing on Words |
red and pink bluebonnets Texas Highways magazine Oxymoron of the Day |
red Indians |
red licorice Ethan |
Reform party |
refundable deposit Best List |
regular special |
rehabilitated criminal |
reinvent |
related divisions |
relative stranger Comedy Network |
relative truth |
relatively simple New Paradigm |
religious education |
religious fact |
religious freedom Millard Forum |
religious persecution Cool Site |
religious right #39 on Son of 50 |
religious tolerance #2 on Top 50 |
remotely obvious Focusing on Words |
renegade lawmakers from CNN during the battle in Moscow |
representative democracy |
Republican initiative |
Republican party #34 on Son of 50 |
reputable salesman |
required elective Focusing on Words |
required option Rosenberger |
resident alien #48 on Top 50 |
responsible committee |
responsible gambling Dr. Dean |
responsible teenager |
restless sleep |
restrained aggression Rosenberger |
restrained grandparent |
Resurrection Funeral Home Actual business name, Clinton Township Michigan Shooter |
reverse engineering |
revision 0 Cobalt Shiva |
rich country, poor people reference to Japan Focusing on Words |
riot control Rosenberger |
rising decline Rosenberger |
rising deficits |
risk of certain death |
river land Best List |
river walk Shooter |
Road Works Ahead Canonical |
roaring silence Best List |
rock garden |
rock music |
rock opera |
rogue bureaucrats LA Daily News headline about school organization crisis |
rogue cop |
rolling stop Rosenberger |
rough finish |
rounded corners Cool Site |
routine change Gerry Reid |
routine emergency Rosenberger |
routine surgery Best List |
royal "We" Rosenberger |
Rubber Biscuit Blues Brothers |
rubber bones |
rubber cement Unbiased |
rubber chicken |
rude welcome Michael John Nesbitt |
rules of war |
rush hour |
Russian economy |
Russian-American |
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