![]() |
Numeric |
100th anniversary premiere Oldsmobile TV commercial Oxymoron of the Day |
10K fun run |
12-ounce pound cake #7 on Top 50 |
6502-based computer |
A |
above it all Canonical |
absolute possibility |
absolute uncertainty |
AC/DC Unplugged |
academic fraternity |
academic sorority |
acceptable losses Generation Terrorists |
accident plan |
accidentally on purpose |
accordian music |
accounting principles New Paradigm |
accurate estimate Best List |
accurate rumor |
accurate stereotype Mode Magazine |
achievable fantasies Cobalt Shiva |
acoustic guitar amplifier Cave |
acrylic glass Michael John Nesbitt |
act naturally #50 on Top 50 |
action committee |
action musical idbits |
active reserves |
active retirement |
acute apathy |
acute dullness |
additional cuts |
additional reductions |
adult children |
adult male |
advanced BASIC #47 on Top 50 |
advanced beginner Best List |
advanced cobol |
advancing backward Cobalt Shiva |
aerial dogfight Rosenberger |
aerobic exercise |
affirmative action |
affordable housing |
affordable luxury Unbiased |
African-American |
aggressive diplomacy Dayton Daily News Op-Ed Page 11/3/97 Oxymoron of the Day |
aging yuppie |
agnostic beliefs Sam Russell |
agree To disagree |
agroforestry Focusing on Words |
air moisture Rosenberger |
air traffic control New Paradigm |
airline food #45 on Top 50 |
airline legroom Canonical |
airline schedules Focusing on Words |
airport security George Carlin "You're All Diseased", HBO |
alcohol-free beer German: "alkoholfrei vollbier" <.3% alcohol Focusing on Words |
all day briefing Cobalt Shiva |
All generalizations are false... including this one |
all the way through a portion Unbiased |
All-American french fries idbits |
almost always |
almost certain |
almost exactly #42 on Top 50 |
almost impossible |
almost new |
almost perfect |
almost surprised Focusing on Words |
almost totally |
almost unique |
alone in a crowd Mary Van Sell |
alone together #39 on Top 50 |
alternative music Cave |
aluminum angle iron Fun_People |
aluminum windows New Paradigm |
always different |
amateur expert |
American beer |
American cheese |
American chop suey |
American education |
American English |
American geographers |
American history |
American Honda |
American Indian Rosenberger |
amicable divorce |
Amish website |
Amtrak schedule |
anal retentive Rosenberger |
anarchist community Mary Van Sell |
Anarchy Rules! |
Angel, the vampire |
anonymous colleague Focusing on Words |
another fine mess |
anxious patient Focusing on Words |
AOL help Millard Forum |
AOL internet access |
apathetic interest Focusing on Words |
appeared invisible Canonical |
Apple tech support |
applied chaos |
approximate solution Focusing on Words |
approximately equal |
Are you asleep? Unbiased |
armchair athletes |
arms limitations |
army intelligence |
army private |
art student |
artificial grass |
artificial grass, |
artificial intelligence #40 on Son of 50 |
As famous as the unknown soldier. |
Asian-American |
assembly language |
assistant supervisor |
assisted suicide |
astrological forecast |
athletic scholarship |
attentive husband Best List |
Aunt Jemima Light Focusing on Words |
Australian spelling |
authentic replica |
authentic reproduction |
autistic behavior |
automated data processing |
automotive engineer Shooter |
average genius Memoware |
awful good |
awful pretty |
awfully good |
awfully nice |
awfully pleased |
awfully pretty |
B |
baby grand |
Back to the Future Movie title |
back up Amazing |
backseat driver Rosenberger |
backside |
bad company |
bad health |
bad luck |
bad sex |
bad sport Ethan |
baggage handling New Paradigm |
Baked Alaska |
balanced insanity Focusing on Words |
balding hair |
bankrupt millionaire |
barely dressed |
beaucractic efficiencies #30 on Son of 50 |
beautiful tyrant Juliet |
beautifully repulsive magazine advertisement for an insect-repellent candle Oxymoron of the Day |
beauty bark |
bedroom community Rosenberger |
beginning Finnish |
beginning of the end |
Belgian Industry LeighWorld |
beneficial insect |
benevolent despot |
benevolent dictatorship |
benign neglect |
benign tumor Ethan |
bent straight Main Event |
Best Of Geraldo Unbiased |
Best of Yoko Oxymoron Central |
better than new |
beyond infinity |
Biblical scholar Shooter |
big kid Over 500 |
big nothing |
binging on moderation Focusing on Words |
bipartisan cooperation Focusing on Words |
birth control |
birthday suit Focusing on Words |
bittersweet |
black gold |
black light |
Black Russian Ethan |
blameless culprit |
blindingly obvious Gerry Reid |
blue rose |
bone china Contest |
boneless ribs |
border control |
boring orgasm |
botched suicide Shooter |
bottoms up |
brand new antiques |
brave politician |
brave wimp |
bricked-up window |
bridegroom Nathan's World |
brief list Gerry Reid |
brief survey |
brief wait Canonical |
bright blonde Cool Site |
bright night |
brilliant darkness Memoware |
brilliantly dull |
British cuisine |
British fashion #36 on Top 50 |
British humor |
broad tip Unbiased |
budget deficit |
Buffalo Wings Ethan |
bug fix #36 on Son of 50 |
bug-free code |
build down |
bumper sticker Cobalt Shiva |
bureaucratic efficiency |
business casual Best List |
business ethics #33 on Top 50 |
butt heads |
butthead #31 on Top 50 |
buy now and save |
By definition, one divided by zero is undefined. Fun_People |
Next Page: C ©1999 by Wendell Wittler, all rights and several lefts reserved. |